Snow and Fearmongering

Hello lovelies,

Short updates:

* I am a-okay and in Pagosa Springs!

* Snow.

* More snow?

Long updates:

Well, this trail is a thing!  I left Chama with mile-high spirits and excitement for mountains and snow.  I anticipated some slower travel and afternoon thunderstorms.  My suspicions were largely correct.

After about 15 miles of hiking, the snow coverage became frequent and post-holing became synonymous with progress. I was caught in a thunderstorm at 12,000 feet, and bailed into a small shrub and rock alcove to hangout for the evening.  

The following morning found me caught in a thunderous hail storm at 11,600 for a couple hours, before I was granted the privilege of a lovely evening traverse across some mountain slopes that might best be labeled “downright scary.” 

My third day, and 10 years later, I finally hit some glorious 200 foot glissades, sunny skies, and diminishing snow pack.  A short 16 miles on groovy trail finally led me to Pagosa.

I’m hanging out here for the rest of the day, and then jumping back on trail.  I’ve decided to circumvent a 7-day food carry in favor of a chill, 2-day alternative, which will get me into the collegiate peaks for some glorious mountain play in a week and change.

With love,


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